1919 - 1998
We were born in 1919 with the name Zodiac, we were a small local company in Rome. Over the years we have grown by focusing on the quality and excellence of our products and on human capital. In the 1940s we took the name of Polifarma. These years have been fundamental for the company structure, both in terms of production and sales turnover. Since the 1980s we have started important collaborations with various pharmaceutical multinationals for the management, launch and purchase of new molecules.
1999 - 2007
An important growth in the history of Polifarma comes in 1999, the year of the acquisition by the Final Group, a financial company founded by Ms. Luisa Angelini. Thanks to the outstanding managerial skills of the new owner, Polifarma has undergone a profound renewal of the company organization which has allowed it to achieve exponential growth in terms of sales turnover in a few years.
2008 - 2013
2008 was a crucial year for the company's history. Some patent expirations and the loss of some distribution rights of the products under concession in the cardiovascular area, have led to a moment of corporate crisis with a reduction in sales turnover of more than 40%. However, we did not give up in the face of difficulties, but we showed ourselves reactive and ready to start a process of "change management" which involved human resources, company organization and business model.
2014 - Today
The change management process has started to bear fruit since 2014, the year from which our sales turnover has grown steadily until today. A second success factor was the desire to create a digital ecosystem integrated with business functions and processes. In fact, we were among the first companies in the Italian pharmaceutical sector to believe in and invest heavily in digitization processes and technological innovations.